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Thursday, 29 June 2017

Texting For the Over 55s


We live in an age of instant communication. Internet, computers, mobile phones, IPhones etc, etc has evolved through satellite technology and it seems a whole new language has evolved through it. The kids of today (I know, I'm sounding ancient here) have their own short codes for text messaging and for Twittering and Facebook. Codes like WTF, LOL and LMFAO are used increasingly widely and it can get a wee bit confusing for the older generation. There was a story the other week of an elderly lady who sent a text to her grand daughter telling her the family cat had died. She added LOL at the end of her message, thinking it stood for Lots of Love...

So, to avoid people of my generation getting embarrassed, here are some text codes for the more mature...

ATD - at the doctor's

BFF - Best Friend's Funeral

BTW - Bring the Wheelchair

FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low

GHA - Got Heartburn Again

HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement

IMHO - Is My Hearing-aid On?

WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?

And finally - GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In.

It's time to get down with the kids. Although I may not get up again...

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The Story of the Blues

"...well that's my story and I'm sticking to that. So let's have another drink and let's talk about the blues.

Blues is about dignity, it's about self-respect, and no matter what they take away from you - that's yours for keeps.

I remember how it was, how every medium - T.V. and papers and radio and all those people were saying: 'you're on the scrap-heap, you're useless', and I remember how easy it was to start believing that. I remember how you'd hear people take it for granted that it was true - just 'cause someone with an ounce of power said so.

And that's a problem now, too many oddballs, too many pocketbook psychologists and would-be philosophers with an axe to grind. But there's a solution, it's not easy, but it's a matter of coming to terms in your heart with situation you're in, a matter of choosing how things go for you and not having things forced upon you.

There are plenty of forces against you, forcing you against your will, your ideals - you've got to hope for the best, and that's the best you can hope for - you've got to hope against hope...

I remember something Sal Paradise said, he said: 'the city intellectuals of the world are debauched from the full body blood-of-the-land and are just rootless fools'.

So listen, when the smile, the condescending pat-on-the-back comes and says: 'we're sorry, but you're nothing, you've got nothing for us and we've got nothing for you', you say: 'No', and say it loud: "NO!", and remember, people who talk about revolution and a class-struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love, and what is positive in the refusal and constraint......"

One of the best songs ever written. The sublime Pete Wylie who I had the pleasure of seeing play in Glasgow last year. A gifted musician and songwriter.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Make The Days Count

Happiness is a faraway land
Although if you are far away it is home
Some might say it cannot be seen or heard
But sometimes it has to be seen to be heard
Be sure it has to be round the corner
Hidden, obscured by fate

Happiness is good music sometimes
Rude Boys bopping to ska
Seeing someone smiling, nearly almost

When the bath water is just right
A paragraph in a book
Sleepy sensations on trains
An afternoon nap
When beer goes down just right

A brilliant conversation, music, football, independence
Hearts beating Hibernian (although not for some time, mind you)
Edinburgh in all its magnificent splendour
The smell of the distillery wafting over the streets of Gorgie

These all have their moments

Happiness is reflections....on better days when times are sad

Saturday, 24 June 2017

It's a Mug's Life

Last Sunday was Father's Day. And this was what I got from elder daughter. Kids, eh? No respect today. I feel a right mug...

Friday, 23 June 2017


Thanks for dropping by. Those of you who used to read my inane ramblings on Auld Reekie Rants - Sid & Doris Bonkers - may know what to expect. But I hope to use this blog as less than a rant on life but more a reflection on life for people of my generation - the over 50s.

There'll be random thoughts and images posted here from time to time - some of which may even make some sense (although I wouldn't put money on it)

Comments are welcome - and haste ye back.